Like I mentioned in my first post, I have been drawing practically since I could hold a washable marker. I made my first communion with Crayola all over my hands. What kid doesn't like to color and draw, though?
I should probably mention that 9 times out of 10, I still have marker on my hands. Whether or not I realize it or want to be - I leave a trace of color on everything I touch.
"Giraffe and the Bluebird" was created for Mae Stanley, born October 17th, 2010. Photo credit: Katie Stanley
Luckily, my parents did not discourage this. I am now the only 26-year-old that still gets Crayola markers and crayons in her stocking at Christmas. I have also turned this messy hobby into a somewhat lucrative side-gig. I have happily created pieces for family and friends and found that making art for others to enjoy is really where my passion lies.
"Lucille Mary Ryan Smith" was created for my best friend Colleen. It was a picture of her grandmother that she gave to her mom as a birthday gift. Such an honor to do this for her!)
The creation of this blog is to ultimately inspire others to do the same - to take whatever they are passionate in, own it, explore it, and become better at it
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is FOR SALE! Please click {this} link to see detailed information about this piece. Leave a comment or email me if you are interested in purchasing.
Each week, on Wednesdays, I will feature an original piece I have created that will be for sale. Please email me (mollydaudlin@gmail.com) if you are interested in purchasing the piece that is featured. Please keep in mind that I am overjoyed to make changes or adjustments to match your aesthetic, color scheme, or taste. Art that is hung in your home or apartment should reflect YOU as much as the artist and I am happy to oblige :)
All work will also be displayed on my flicker account. You can access this site by clicking the "art for sale" link, located at the top of the page.
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